

Rupert writes and performs country, rockabilly, surf sound, swing, and jazz. He plays in a number of Bris-vegas bands including Men into space, Big kitty and the scaredy cats, Shakey Shaun's blues band, EJAQ, and many jam bands without names but who somehow get gigs!
   He plays guitar primarily, and drums a little on the side. He loves playing live, and jumps at the chance to play any genre of music, with as many different musos as possible.

Come on a my house

May 14th, 2014 + 4:05 AM  ·  Rupes

Just a little cover for my wife's cabaret show

One Mans Trash

June 16th, 2012 + 6:06 AM  ·  Rupes

A 60's style rocker, with electric bass for a change. Just an idea I had going aroung in my head one day.

Hearts & Roses

June 16th, 2012 + 5:06 AM  ·  Rupes

I wrote this for my girlfriend on Valentines day. I think it came out a bit Elvis Costello-ish... Might just be 'cause I can't quite hit the high notes.
Going for a more 60's feel here.

Out of Control

February 12th, 2012 + 9:02 AM  ·  Rupes

I've tried to upload this too many times... Just ask me for a description....

Where Do I Go?

February 12th, 2012 + 9:02 AM  ·  Rupes

My attempt at a Beatles type song with a hint of rockabilly. Once again, written and performed by me, playing all the instruments and all the vocals. Let me know what you think. Cheers, from Australia.
Alias: Rupes
Status: Offline
Threads: 7
Posts: 23
Songs: 7
Joined: October 28th, 2006
Last login: May 26th, 2014

My Messengers

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